
Why World Vision is in Bolivia

Bolivia has endured agricultural challenges, along with extreme weather conditions and natural disasters in the past year. Economic hardships also continue to present challenges across many vulnerable communities.

The Ministry of Rural Development and Land has indicated that more than 2,800 communities were affected by extreme weather, ranging from drought to frost. This has impacted over 486,000 families. Bolivia has the second greatest loss of forests among Latin American countries due to rising deforestation. Financially, the country is suffering from high inflation. Often, this leads to riots and causes additional safety concerns in communities.

In response, World Vision is working to promote sustainable resources and livelihoods in communities. Staff and community leaders are focusing on the care of water sources and overall management of natural resources. We celebrate and support the 1,019,696 children who’ve been reached with greater security and protection through public policies. Additionally, over 42,000 homes received access to improved water sources. Through World Vision programming, over 465,000 men and women have been given more opportunities to thrive as they support their families.

We never give up on people

World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.

Sponsor a child in Bolivia ❯

Bolivia Faith
Bolivia Health
Bolivia ChildProtection

Prayer Requests from Bolivia

World Vision's staff in Bolivia are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:

  • For children with disabilities to be given opportunities for comprehensive healthcare and education.


  • For vulnerable children to receive the nutrition they need to grow healthy and strong.


News from Bolivia

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